Thank goodness son, Luke got my site fixed, im so happy over it. God I miss you so much every day the pain gets more and more hard
06/16/2019 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Thinking of you & your family and hoping Father's Day is one of precious memories that bring peace and comfort.
05/12/2019 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Wishing you a gentle Mother’s Day with sweet memories of your precious child. I wish you peace on this day and always.
04/21/2019 dragan's dad
Love paid a price so hope could become a realiti! ~Susan Gaddis~ Happy Easter
03/15/2019 dragan's dad
Remembering Shane on his Angel Day. This candle shines as a symbol of a precious life.
01/27/2019 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Lighting this candle in your precious memory & in honor of the life & love you shared with family & friends. ♥ڿڰۣಌ
12/25/2018 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Thinking of you & your family, lighting a candle in your memory, and wishing your loved ones a Blessed Christmas Day
12/25/2018 dragan's dad
Remembering our angels on this blessed day..Merry Christmas to you and your family.GB
12/24/2018 dragan's dad
A candle burns in memory of you Shane on your BD ~Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
05/19/2018 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Every day in some small way
Memories of you come our way.
Though absent, you are always near
Still missed, loved and always dear. ~♥~
04/09/2018 Claudia mom to Rocky Lindley
I miss the smile on ur face, I miss the way the sun would light up ur face, I miss the years that have been erased from you ♥..
04/01/2018 dragan's dad
The gift of Easter is Hope! Wishing you a gentle, blessed Easter.
03/25/2018 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Nothing can ever take away the love a heart holds dear. Ur memory will forever be a bright light from above…♥..
03/15/2018 Mom
Pain. You will forever live on in my heart. Rejoice Shane I know your happy and loved by all. God needed another Angel
03/15/2018 Mom
Can be written, I miss you terribly. I’m still learning to live without you here on this earth, fly free of all the sorrow and
03/15/2018 Mom
A fighter more then many realize. Give me the strength to carry on until we are together again. I love you beyond any words that
03/15/2018 Mom
Able to explain that it’s not, a piece of my heart is missing. Today I set her reliving that horrible day. You were stronger and
03/15/2018 Mom
Today marks your 9 year Angelversary, in my heart time stood still Son
03/15/2018 dragan's dad
Remembering candle is lit in honor of you.You left this Earth on this day awhile ago to go home.
03/09/2018 Claudia mom to Rocky Lindley
They say there is no time in heaven and when we get there it will be just like we were never apart ♥♥ God Bless
02/16/2018 Mom
I love you just one more time. Oh God Shane I miss you so much
02/16/2018 Mom
Eyes. But without your pictures I could never survive. If only you could be here with me one more time and I can give you a hug and tell you I love you. I love you son and I miss you with all my heart
02/16/2018 Mom
son i know i’m not on too often anymore. but no i do check back from time to time. sometimes i see your pictures and instantly brings tears to my eyes i wish i could see your face i wish i could put my arms around you and hug you one more time. i love you shane with all my heart almost 9 years and it seems like yesterday. this pain i have inside will never go away until we meet again. i love you son and i miss you so very much
12/25/2017 Loving Family to Angel VBorg
Merry Christmas in Heaven Angel
12/24/2017 Jo-Ann Pacenta ~ Lauren's mom
Happy Heavenly Birthday Shane. Hoping your loved one have a gentle day filled with precious memories that bring smiles