To the Family of Shane Ramirez
By: Ashley Daniel
In just a moment I will hug you, again
In just a moment I will see you smile, again
In just a moment I will tell you I LOVE you, again
I let go of the pain and the guilt
I know you are in hurt
I know that you have loved me
Know that in every sunrise angels will sing my name above
no more pain, no more broken tears
Telling you to be strong
God give my family strength
Grasp the ones that are here
In Question cry to GOD i will hear
Live a life worth to brag about
take time off, Grow
Live a life that you thought you would never know
we will be togather, Don't worry about me now
We will laugh again
You will see the stars in my eyes again, Kids
God is with me
Peace to you
*Shane always had a heart of gold and I think if he could just have a few more words to say to his family it would be this poem.
I love you all